Bike there, bought the T-shirt!

unnamedHey everybody,

I’m a bike rider and now I have the t-shirt to prove it. What do you think? No seriously, what do you think? I need your feedback. Because…I’ve been tossing around this idea  for months and it has to do with the shirt you see above, it’s a take on one of my favourite 80’s TV show’s Knight Rider. A local t-shirt company has been working with me to get my vision off the ground and I’m very close to running my first order. This is where you come in, I would love your thoughts, your interest. Drop me a comment and tell me what you think-be honest.

You see, I’m  considering using the t-shirts as a way of getting my family, friends, and you my readers outside taking full advantage of the great outdoors. Yeah, I’m still working out the logistics but the premise is that people who follow or enjoy my blog can order one of these Bike Rider shirts. I will be creating a sub page on Earth to Ash in the coming weeks dedicated to not only bike riding, but walking, running, hiking, and anything and everything physical fitness really. You receive your t-shirt, wear it while doing your favourite activity, then just send me the picture. I will post them on my Bike Rider blogs, write a little something about you and make you a weekly honorary Bike Rider. I’m hoping to cover a lot of ground with this project of mine (pun intended) and given Earth to Ash’s broad viewership I want to reach people from all over the globe. I want everyone to highlight what it is that they do to stay fit and the things they enjoy all the in name of healthy living. If the page and shirts takes off, I thought about doing something from a charity perspective, my mother had MS so that would be a great cause and there’s my fiance who works at the children’s hospital, that’s another good one.

Speaking of kids, kids are also a huge part in this. I’m a big kid at heart and I like nothing more than knowing I got them off the couch and on the go. I really want to lead by example and encouraged them to drop the devices and go level up their heart rates. If you have kids, maybe this would be a great way to spend an evening together proving that physical fitness can always be a family affair. It’s a great way to bond.

Remember everyone, there’s more details to come as my main focus here was to accomplish some feedback, give me your thoughts in the comments like I said. If my idea turns out the way I envision it, then very soon you too can share your adventures and together we can all take part in this wonderful “exercise”.
