Celebrate Good Lines, Come On

copyright – http://www.spillwords.com (screen grab)

Hey everyone,

I would not sleep very well tonight if I did not let all my readers/followers know that I was approached to do a “spotlight on writers”. It is for my poetry. And, not only have I been approached, my interview has now gone live. Yes, the wonderful literary folks over at the website Spillwords, who I am already grateful to for having published several of my poems, have also reached out and offered me an opportunity to be a part of their about the author series. Not going to lie, it took me 0.1 of a second to respond and say yes, you bet I would and here we are, publish day. Spillwords set up the interview and the questions, and all I had to do was provide what I had hoped were interesting answers. Turns out, they were and you can see for yourself right here at this link direct to my very own spotlight page. Hope you enjoy it! – > https://spillwords.com/spotlight-on-writers-ash-douglas/


Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Hey all,

I wanted to drop in and let you all know that one of my most recent poems has been published on Spillwords. It’s live as of today. I submitted it a little while ago, they liked it, and informed me last week of their intention to share it for their own audience. It made my day and gave me something to smile about given the world’s current state. (A post about that is coming) Now, some of you have already read this poem here on my site, but I thought I would go ahead and share it once more to help take our minds off some of the craziness that’s going on.

As always, I hope you enjoy it. Please don’t forget to comment and tell me what you think. It’s all of you and your continued support that drives my writing and I’m lucky to have such a awesome following.

So, without further adieu, please click this link and move on over to Spillwords.com and enjoy Ash to Dust.

Stay safe, practise social distancing, and we’ll get through this troubled time together.

One word at a time, let us take back our lives.


The Brain Stormer Award!

Alright, alright,
I’ve had it with this mind hazy, foggy, jumbled thought mode. I’m just going to write my way out of this horrible bout of block. Damn you, internal creative struggle…damn you! Yes, I know, I did manage to get a few posts out of my system, but that was merely to keep my keyboard fingers out of the quicksand. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, enough of that. Besides, I’m an idiot because all I had to do to get out of this funk was to dust off a post I’ve already been working on. Such as follows.

Last week, I was doing my regular thing here on WordPress. I responded to a couple of comments, acknowledged a few likes and then, began to check out a few blogs. Clicking first on one of my favs. About a minute in, while reading one of their most recent entries which was about a particular award. All of a sudden, boom! “The Brainstormer Award”, and yours truly…the winner. Yessiree, looks like Earth to Ash gets another feather in the old blogging hat. And, it’s all thanks to my dear friend, floatinggold. The person responsible for my shiny new award. You know what? This is just the inspirational kick in the ass I needed to get back on track and to help clear myself of this frustrating head fog.

So, who doesn’t like a pat on the back? It can turn someone’s day completely around in my opinion. That’s how this award hit me first. It was like a great big high five between bloggers. You know, I don’t really talk too much about blogging outside of writing in my own. I don’t tend to share that about myself unless I know the person is genuinely interested. You can tell pretty quickly. Writing has always been my thing, and I guess I protect it in a way. Though, when I do get the left field compliment to something I wrote or my blog in general, well, that for me is the biggest payoff of all. Instant smile maker.

A million and one thanks floatinggold for giving me such high praise and for continuing to be a part of team Earth to Ash. Over the years you’ve always been one of my biggest supporters. Someone who I have grown to depend on for positive critique and genuine in your face feedback. Post after post, I can 100% count on you to give it to me straight and because of that, I’ve become a better writer. I mean that, I really do. Thanks, floatinggold for The Brainstormer Award, and indirectly, thank you for getting me through writer’s block, and last but least, thank you for being a friend.

Cue the Golden Girls Theme Song!!!

Sunshine Blogger Award # 3

Image result for sunshine blogger award

Happy Friday everybody,

Boom, as I mentioned in my last post, here’s entry number two of two. Yup, two Sunshine Blogger Awards in a week. Not too shabby. What have I been doing to receive all this love? This time it was FloatingGold who sneakingly nominated me for this award just the other day. I was checking out their blog and as I came to the nominees section I noticed my name on the list. Just like last time, I was both surprised and once again flattered by another tip of the hat from a blogging friend. Thank you for your nomination and thanks for thinking that Earth to Ash is up to your golden standard. (see what I did there?) We’ve been blogging friends for some time now as it is, so seeing this only reinforces that. Now peeps, after you give this my post a read, why not follow the above link and take some time to check out FloatingGold’s little piece of the bloggerverse. You won’t be disappointed.

Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award # 3”

Sunshine Blogger Award # 2

Wow, this certainly comes as a pleasant surprise. It’s been a long time now since I have received an achievement like this, and it’s actually one of two. Yes, last week seems to have been a good week for Earth to Ash. I talk all the time about viewership and how much I appreciate my followers, but this is something totally different. This is something that not only validates the hard work I put into Earth to Ash, but it also reinforces my confidence in the type of content I choose to share. Bottom line, it’s just nice to be recognized. Leslie over at Inside the Satchel popped by the other day to give me the heads up that she had nominated me. I’m flattered by her gesture and delighted that she felt my blog worthy enough for such high regard. Thanks, Leslie, it really made my day. Do me a favour people, pop on over to her blog via the above link and see what she’s up to and give her content a read.

Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award # 2”

One Hundred

Hey folks,

Well now, would you look at that, it seems I have made it to another blogging milestone. Got a shiny new badge telling me that Earth to Ash has reached 100 posts, I know it’s probably only a drop in the bucket for many, but for me it comes as quite the accomplishment. That’s a lot of time, a lot of creativity, and a lot of me. Just about two years ago or so, I was tossing around the idea of a creating this blog and here I am 100 posts deep into this journey of mine…crazy. The thoughts, feelings, and reactions that I would normally just keep in my journal, were now for the world to read and I am so glad that I held my nose and jumped right in.

Continue reading “One Hundred”

You Follow Me?

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Boom! 200-Thanks for the follows!!!

Yup, I got this shiny little achievement just over a week ago, so I’m dedicating this post to you, all my faithful readers, every last one.  You know, each time I hit the publish button, I think for a second, and it still blows me away that there’s actually people out there that take valuable time out of their  busy lives to read my two cents.

Continue reading “You Follow Me?”

The Black Cat Blue Sea Award


Hey there readers,

You know what’s great? Getting feedback on how your writing is doing, how my written word is being received by the inter-world. I love feedback, the more the merrier in my opinion. The Ink Owl has been one of my top supporters, one of my most frequent readers and was awesome enough to nominate me and my blog for this wonderful award. I’ve been blessed with so much support by the people I’m fortunate enough to have read my blog on a consistent basis, can’t pitch in with my two cents without you-Thank you.

Continue reading “The Black Cat Blue Sea Award”

The Mystery Blogger Award X 2

What’s the mystery blogger award?

a la the creator…
“Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging. And they do it with so much love and passion.”
-Okoto Enigma
Continue reading “The Mystery Blogger Award X 2”

Sunshine Blogger Award


Here we go again, The Ink Owl  was awesome enough to give me this shout out the other day and I wanted to share this post to thank him. My last blog entry was about an award and I need to work on another right after this. What can I say, my head is starting to swell, lol, but really I am floored that these acknowledgments keep coming my way. You truly don’t know whose out there reading your work on a daily basis and when you get confirmation in the way of these little virtual kudos then that got to make you smile.
Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award”