Journal Entry # 213 – Piece Be With You

Photo by Thiago Matos on

When people try to intimidate you, they are masquerading power over their weakness. They think if they bully, they can cover it up in order to take anything they want. Even a piece of you. Don’t give them anything. Be strong and keep yourself together. Every one of those pieces intact. If you can do that, you will realize pretty darn fast that it’s them who’s falling apart. – Ash

Journal Entry # 212 – It’s How I Field

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Friends come in flowers, some in weeds. The flowers rise with us, support us, and share in the things that help us grow and prosper. The weeds smother us, try to take us over, steal all the sunshine and choke out life until we fall. When you plant your gardens, make sure you can tell them apart. – Ash

Journal Entry # 211 – I Seed The Light

I took a walk yesterday in a palette of reds, browns, and some orange. With clean, crisp, fresh October air filling my lungs, it occurred to me. As leaves change, so have I. What hung to me for so long has now fallen to the ground. The deaths of yesterday sow seeds for tomorrow. They shall bear the fruits of my labour and set strong roots to allow me to weather and grow. – Ash

Journal Entry # 210 – Life, Don’t Get Too Brook Up Over It!

Photo by Brett Sayles on

I’ve always been told that things happen for a reason. I know that’s sometimes a way of making me feel better when life hits a rough patch. Although, I’ve come to look at it like this. It’s not so much of what happens to us that needs a reason, but rather, how we learn and move on from it a better person that does. That’s the reason it’s a good thing. – Ash