Bike Writer # 38 – Guess Who’s Getting a New Bike?

“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike” – John F Kennedy

Hey everybody,

I teased this a few entries ago and I just made good on it. Well, I did this past Saturday night as I could not wait anymore. I had to do it. Since the lockdown, it’s been a bit of a task to supplement my going to the gym. I’m trying my best to stay physically active with all what’s going on in the world. Both indoors and out. Indoors takes discipline, and I won’t lie, I’ve 5-seconded myself from working out inside a few times. But, outdoors, outdoors should come easy for me, and it is. My success has stemmed from doing the things that I enjoy already like walking, running, and most recently for the first time in years rollerblading. All of that has seemed to keep me content. It’s allowed me to stay active and more importantly it’s gotten me outside in a time where that’s not so easy either. There’s still something missing. Actually, I should say that there was something missing. The Bike Writer’s call was too strong. I was no longer able to suppress it from deep within. So, I jumped online, checked out a few sites and prices. Boom! Bike coming.

Continue reading “Bike Writer # 38 – Guess Who’s Getting a New Bike?”

Dukes of Habit

Photo by Pixabay on

Irish night
with a few black beers for luck
stood elbow to elbow
in the midst of strange drunkards
three sheets to the wind
placing little wagers before the clock struck
and the tender turns us away

like the last three nights we’ve been

Continue reading “Dukes of Habit”

Pool Boys

A cold beer ran down my lips, to my chin
in a moment I knew would last a lifetime
there was a pool table…balls racked
ready for a break
some girl singing on the radio
we both sang a few of the words
those we could remember
all night we competed
best in banter,
best in billiards,
best in brew,
never best in friends
that belonged to you