The Red Journal (She’s Really Gone!)

Friday, 7:30 P.M.
(After hitting a wall with their initial investigation, Ethan and Sarah are forced to leave the precinct in a mad panic after another murder is reported. We find them en route to the scene of the crime which coincidentally is also her best friends last known whereabouts)

Ethan was weaving back and forth and veering in and out. His 2009 Grand Marquis flew pass cars like they were parked. Traffic was surprisingly heavy for that time of day as if it were some sort of sign purposely trying to delay the inevitable. It was obvious what was on each of their minds, but still Ethan was not used to Sarah being so quiet. His thoughts quickly flipped to how she was processing this potentially horrific coincidence? Her ex-boyfriend had been found dead just days ago, her best friend was not answering her cellphone, and now…now they’re two minutes out from a crime scene at the very venue her best-friend was attending.  

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A Shade of Ash

Photo by Plush Design Studio on

Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

OK, I’m starting to think my last post was a bit of a jinx. It’s been yet another week where Earth to Ash has sat dormant while tumbleweeds blew across my viewership stats with each passing day. I’m a couple of life events back to back now, I must be special. This week, it was Poppy, our new puppy. She got a little ill last week and after a few days went by with no change, it became concerning. With all that going on, there was no way I could concentrate on anything other than getting her back to feeling better. So, with the help of the vet and a complete change in her diet, I’m glad to report that dear little Poppy is back to being the happy, energetic, and loving little monster she’s been since the very day we laid eyes on her. It was heartbreaking to see her sad and miserable from being sick, but as I type these words to you she’s back to her old self which is up to no good. Poppy! Come back here with my sock…

Continue reading “A Shade of Ash”

Another Pain In The Ash

Hey everybody,

I thought I would shoot out a quick post as it’s been a few days since you last heard from me. The reason for that is because of another bout of neck pain that decided to pay me a visit last week. I’ve come to realize that although I have dealt with a lot of stress in my life, I don’t always come away from it unscathed. Being a little more stressed these past few weeks as found me once again battling with another pain in the Ash that thankfully, as since passed. To help with the pain, I took some time away from the computer or any screen really so as to not make it any worse. I just decided to go full-on rehab and concentrated on the gym, did some daily stretching, threw in some yoga and it seemed to work. The pain slowly went away just as it did a couple of years ago, only this time it was much quicker as I used a lot of what I learned the first time around. But, I’m back, feeling good, and ready to crank out some entries that I have been hoarding. I have another Red Journal set to come out which I hope you’re still enjoying, I also have a few award replies that I most certainly have to get posted, and I do have some other ideas that are still sitting dormant in my draft folder. I’m hoping to get a few of those I’ve just mentioned out this weekend, so bare with me folks. As always, I appreciate the patience.

Continue reading “Another Pain In The Ash”