Mask of Deceit

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Your smile must have been a mask,
that allowed you to deceive the unsuspecting.
As the cold steel cuts through my flesh,
I wonder if it was I, who handed you the sword?
So, stand there as I bleed,
and shame my imperfections.
Turn your back and fix your mask,
as my soul becomes untethered.
But, know this pain has freed me from my doubts,
that your blade was not already sharpened.

Ashback # 5 – I Pity the Fall!


Hey all,

Pictured above is the old 1983 Mr. T action figure, and no not a doll, an action figure. The difference is the kung-fu grip. Anyway, I was and still am I guess, a huge fan of the A-Team. I watched religiously every week as Four Vietnam vets, framed for a crime they didn’t commit, help the innocent while on the run from the military* Mr. T played B.A. Baracus, said doll. Damn it! I mean action figure.

Continue reading “Ashback # 5 – I Pity the Fall!”

Ashback # 4 – Bump, Volley…Spike!

Yup, those were the days!!!

Afterschool practices and weekend tournaments were my only focus during this chapter of my life. Back when I hadn’t quite grown into my ears yet. Oh, how I miss the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The clean-shaven, beer shirt wearing, non-look at the camera bunch of guys you see above were once my comrades in arms. For all of high school, I had the awesome opportunity to be a part of a team with these fine lads. Volleyball, basketball, hockey, you name it. We were good too, I’m not just saying that. It was just great chemistry I think, most likely because we all got along so well. Best of all, we got to share a bunch of really cool experiences together, being on the road was one of my favourite parts. It was a great time in my life for sure. When I look at the newspaper clipping now, I wonder what everybody is up to. It’s been forever since I have seen or spoken to most. I think this was 1994.

Continue reading “Ashback # 4 – Bump, Volley…Spike!”

Ashback # 3 – Very Very Sneaker there Mother!


Hello all,
I can’t recall the year, couldn’t even guess, but yours truly used to rock those kicks you see above. How cool was I? Gosh, I was about ten, eleven, maybe even twelve. I’m telling you, they had me at “that cool thing that I drink is now on my shoes”. Right away, I was awestruck. I stared and stared at those “make me the coolest guy in school” sneakers for as long as I could. A crosswalk had flashed don’t walk, so I had about a minute to take it in before we had to move on. I could almost touch them. They were right there behind a thin pane of glass, front and center, on display in the storefront of a sports apparel store. The whole time I was hoping that my mother at some point, might have seen me drolling and bought them for me. You see, I was a very shy kid and the chances of me asking for them straight out were pretty slim. Although go ahead and ask her now, she’ll tell you that I definitely don’t mind asking anymore. Love you, mom! No, dear readers, my signals must have gone unnoticed as my mother didn’t even turn around, didn’t even flinch. Then, just what I needed, the crosswalk switched and the little glowing man taunted me away from the window. I gave chase to the rest of the gang. Those Coke sneakers were all I could think about the whole way home, or more specifically, back to my aunt and uncles place in the city where we were visiting.

Continue reading “Ashback # 3 – Very Very Sneaker there Mother!”