Post of Christmas Past # 12 – The Elf All About Himself (my old poem for the kids)

Photo by Gu00fcl Iu015fu0131k on

Once upon a time,
there was an angry little elf.
Who thought of absolutely no one,

but of only himself.

He’s always so mad,
which made the other elves very sad,
with his complaints that work, work, work,

was all they ever had.

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Post of Christmas Past # 11 – A Christmas Spirit

Photo by Gu00fcl Iu015fu0131k on

Ah, Christmas spirits. Not those three ghosts that visit if you forget the true meaning of Christmas. No, these spirits are the alcoholic drinks we share with friends, family, and strangers during the celebrations of the holiday season. This is time of year that brings annual opportunities to take part in a festive spirit or two, or three, or maybe four, or…

By the way, I use the word spirits loosely to encompass all things drinky-drinky during December Yuletide. That also includes non-alcoholic spirits. Because you don’t need alcohol to enjoy the “spirit” of the moment. Good times being had at restaurants, pubs, bars, house parties, office parties, all over the place. Immersed in awesome atmospheres wrapped full of special cheer and merry wishes. Who’s round is it?

Continue reading “Post of Christmas Past # 11 – A Christmas Spirit”

Post of Christmas Past # 10 – December the 1st

Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Ah, December the 1st. There are so many words to describe the beginning of our twelfth month on the calendar, and they all mean Christmas. The very second it changes from November to December is the same very second your veins fill with magic. Magic that lasts a whole twenty-five days and then some. Then…on the twenty-fifth day, we get more. Magic that can reach far and wide, high and low, and around every corner. Creating the perfect buildup to the arrival of Santa. The keeper of Christmas and all of its magic.

So far, I have purchased a gift, listened to festive music, peeked into storefronts, adored some lights, spotted reindeer, drank hot chocolate, walked in the snow, made a wish, donated to charity, ate a cookie, wanted to go sliding, had a sippy-sippy, watched a Christmas movie, and thought many many times of my own memories of being a kid during this wonderful time of year. And it’s only December the 1st. Go get some of that magic, my friends. You deserve it, and while you are at it, pass some of it on. Because, no matter where you are now, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Happy Holidays!!!! 
