Shade of Ash # 36 – Keep Right, Accept to Pass

Photo by Breakingpic on

Coping with my anxiety is like a bike ride. It’s hard to balance. There is a chance I will fall. Sometimes I do. But, I have to keep going if I am going to learn how to ride with it. – Ash

Before Goodnight # 2

Photo by Javon Swaby on

My body was controlled by my mind for a while now. Not in a good way. As my thoughts pierced me like bullets, I fell from the wounds they created. I was allowing my happiness to die by jumping in front of the fire. As I lay to sleep… my will is bulletproof. I only had to find it again.  – Ash

Deadman’s Cove

there was a day when the grass was the perfect green

the ocean glistened in morse code

each sparkle a story of its own

as I step lightly from rock to stone

saltwater breaths dry my lips

I wet them for a taste

we all know that birds sing

listen when they do

let them play out the tides

like that day that was just for me

on that beach of memories

with a shore full of driftwood and kelp

props in a backdrop of a day in my life

when I hear a crashing wave

when a warm breeze teases my step

and when mother nature holds out her hand

I grab on and go back again