Story Jots # 6 – Peephole Under the Stairs

Honey, have you met our neighbour?

Our neighbour. The guy across from us in the adjoining apartment. Have you met him?
Ah…no, I don’t think so. Why? 

Oh, nothing. I was just thinking today about how strange it is that we’ve been in our new place for three months now, and the both of us have yet to lay a single eye on him. Don’t you think that’s a tad odd?
No, not really. Maybe this guy likes keeping to himself. He could work shitty hours opposite us or something.
Yeah, I guess. But you would think we would have seen him coming or going at some point. His front door closing here or there. 

Baby, you are being weird and nosey. Who cares? Look, I am completely cool with not getting to know our neighbours. I hate those annoying stop-and-talks. Besides, shit’s tangly when people get too all up in your business. That’s the whole reason we moved. We hate people remember. 

All I am saying is that I find it odd. I haven’t seen him in the laundry room, I’m there almost every other day. Both of us check the communal mailboxes coming in and going out, no sign of him there either and his mailbox is right next to ours.

Ah, there’s that weird and nosey again, babe.

Plus, it’s not only his door, I also have yet to hear anything coming from his apartment. Nothing. It’s always quiet over there.

And, there’s the nosey.

I am not weird, Bradley. Or nosey. Why are you being mean? 

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