The Black Cat Blue Sea Award


Hey there readers,

You know what’s great? Getting feedback on how your writing is doing, how my written word is being received by the inter-world. I love feedback, the more the merrier in my opinion. The Ink Owl has been one of my top supporters, one of my most frequent readers and was awesome enough to nominate me and my blog for this wonderful award. I’ve been blessed with so much support by the people I’m fortunate enough to have read my blog on a consistent basis, can’t pitch in with my two cents without you-Thank you.

Continue reading “The Black Cat Blue Sea Award”

The Mystery Blogger Award X 2

What’s the mystery blogger award?

a la the creator…
“Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging. And they do it with so much love and passion.”
-Okoto Enigma
Continue reading “The Mystery Blogger Award X 2”

The Rain Made Me Do It


I surveil the abstract of raindrops as they slither the outside pane
its journey, merely a moment in time
each tiny drop…
they dazzle like fireworks synchronizing with my deluge of thoughts now cached from a once juvenile me
I beam with the sound of the pitter-patter
the torrent tone lulls me to a reminiscent state as I recall the stories of my olden

Sunshine Blogger Award


Here we go again, The Ink Owl  was awesome enough to give me this shout out the other day and I wanted to share this post to thank him. My last blog entry was about an award and I need to work on another right after this. What can I say, my head is starting to swell, lol, but really I am floored that these acknowledgments keep coming my way. You truly don’t know whose out there reading your work on a daily basis and when you get confirmation in the way of these little virtual kudos then that got to make you smile.
Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award”

Bike Rider

What a day!!!, and I took full advantage of it. Today was another holiday Monday so I was eager to hit the trails early and see where two tires could take me. I had a quick breakfast, greased up the bike and boom, out the door, nothing but the warm sun and dusty trails in my future. A few ideas on where I wanted to go were popping up in my head but with the beauty of a bike, all that would change as quick as walk and don’t walk. Taking off from the house, zipping down the sidewalk, as long as I have two legs and a heart beat, anywhere is possible.


It was very hot, so I made sure to bring extra water which is vital on a day like today. You have to remember to hydrate, and oh yeah, make sure to wear sunblock, I was one for one and now I have a print where my backpack was. Anyway, there I was, riding through the park and taking it all in when the above caught my eye. I had to take a picture, I guess it was the way the red was contrasting the green. This brings me to a side-note, my photography, which I hardly call it that, is another benefit of getting out on the bike. I find that I absorb more of my surroundings, I see things that make me circle back and take another look. It’s poetic, I can take a simple moment like the above and interpret it any way I see fit, it’s natures way of giving back because I’ve finally slowed down to take notice. There’s something calming about my bike rides, it’s like i’m a boy again with the adventure, silly I know, but get on a bike and see how you feel.


I took it up a notch and went downtown, took the trail way all the way down to the south side point, and made good time too I might add. One bike bucket list for me was Fort Amherst, which is a historical site within the city that’s easily accessible and provided the perfect backdrop to a already awesome day. All of these pictures are from there, it was too gorgeous not too capture a few shots to share. I grew up in a very small rural community, so seeing the water, the boats, and the wharves brought back some really cool memories…ah the ocean.


Crazy happy to get out for a ride today, 36k for a couple hours wasn’t too bad. Have to say though, I’m pretty tired from the trip and along with the sweltering sun, it kind of zzzzzzzzzzz, oops sorry, it kind of kicked my butt to be honest. It’s a good butt-kicking though,  you know?, after you go one on one with mother nature. To challenge yourself to keep moving forward with everything you got, trust me, I had some moments but I dug deep and got through it. There’s a fitness perk with this bike riding too which is another reason I feel in love with it all over again. Yup, since I started biking I have discovered a whole new world right under my nose.  Places in this city I never knew existed and it’s still keeping me on my toes, even today was another road less traveled for me. My bike, much like writing, have become passions of mine, and today I got to do both…life is good?

Your turn…

Just Write

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I’m sitting here in a coffee shop, slamming back caffeine, trying to get my creative juices flowing, it’s not going so well.  I mean there’s Jazz playing in the background, I’m sitting in a cozy chair and it’s just me and my keyboard, what more do I need? My only motivation came from reading another blog earlier that mentioned “a blank page won’t write itself”, it was only then I started hitting keys.  Thing is, I overthink my writing a lot which is my achilles heel, it sometimes holds me back from just making an entry.  I mean I started this blog to share my thoughts, feelings, and reactions, to the world around me so why not just do that? I have it built up in my head that it has to be this refined, polished, and well thought out post which holds me back. I know, I know, foolish to think that way but it’s honestly the way I am.

We all draw upon our own inspiration and as a blogger, my next post is always my main focus just as soon as I hit publish on the one before it, anyone out there relate? Thought I’d, mention that the blogs that I follow are one way I like to stay motivated, their creativity, their output, and the fact that they all have their own niche is what drives me to keep going, thanks for that.

I’m glad there’s a community of writers that choose to share their talent, it’s awesome in general that people continue to do what they love and are also brave enough to release it to the world, it’s not easy. Don’t let anything get in the way of sharing the real you, life as you see it, it’s a shame to deny everybody that.

I’m going to continue to do my thing and write, no matter what about, no matter why, I’m going to “just write”.

P.s. You matter…