Earth to Ash Podcast Episode # 29 – Ticking Boxes

Welcome back, join me and my continuing conversation about my thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the world around me.

In this episode, I’m out on a gorgeous Saturday Morning enjoying the outdoors, and thinking about ticking boxes. I have finally recited my poems in front of an audience and feel accomplished, but there are way more boxes to tick yet. What are your boxes?

And, as always, I throw in a poem for good measure.



2 thoughts on “Earth to Ash Podcast Episode # 29 – Ticking Boxes

  1. Ha ha…. I started to listen a bit while out and about earlier, so there are some people who were in the dollar store who now also know what “mozzy” (sp?) means… I got a couple strange looks, so decided to wait to keep listening…🤣… But, for the record, I did guess what it meant… something about it just made me think of misty and hazy.. lol…

    It was great to hear that your event went so well. I was going to ask if studying and being involved in your Indigenous ancestry was something you did. I know you’re very proud of that ancestry. And even I know your grandmother would have been so proud of you, not only for reciting your poetry, but for what you did for the Indigenous People – your people. I think it’s very cool that you have that native ancestry, and so much of it. I can’t much prove mine, and it goes back to, at least, 3rd great grandparents, so I’m probably not “enough” to qualify as Indigenous… In the US, you need to be at least 1/8th…

    Anyway, I’m very happy you got to tick the box of public poetry reading… I told you a long time ago you needed to go back and get involved with that little book store you mentioned in St. John’s… I hope you do get the chance to tick off the box of “open mic night” at such a place… Wish I could be there when it happens…☺️… I guess, in a way, that’s a box to be ticked, but it will have to wait awhile….a long while…

    Ha ha ha! Your water slide story!! I actually have a similar one. First off, I never learned to swim… I don’t remember this, as I was so small – 3 maybe – but back then, my parents were at a friends house for a barbecue and that family had a pool… While everyone was sitting and talking and eating, etc., I wandered off and somehow ended up in the pool….not sure I went in or fell in – at the time, I was told I could doggie paddle, so I might’ve gone in on my own.

    Anyway, one of the older kids saw me sorta floundering and just floating in the pool and alerted the adults and my dad pulled me out… Now, I don’t remember any of it, so can’t say I’m afraid of water because of it or anything. But I think maybe my parents got a little guarded about me and pools… So I never learned to swim.

    Fast forward to being about 14…. My best friend at the time, Liz, was an army brat… We lived in a town right beside Ft. Dix Army Post and Maguire Air Force Base.. her dad was retired army, but her mom still worked on post as a secretary….so in the summer we’d go to the bowling alley, the movies on post or base – it was cheaper. Well, there was a pool facility on post as well and they had a water slide. I had no problem standing in the shallow end of a pool, but would get panicky in the deep end. But somehow Liz convinced me to try the slide… She’d go first and she’d be able to “catch me” if I needed help. Well, she goes… Then I go… Weee- going down is fun… Then I sail off the end of the slide and amazingly land on my feet, but slip on the pool floor and can’t get my footing back to bob to the surface… Liz is trying to grab me and steady me while trying to pull me toward the side, but I’m fighting her, fighting myself… Finally I calm down enough to let her hold me up, and I stand and my head is just barely above the water… When the lifeguard yells over, “if she’s ok could you two get out of the pool.” Well, this is the army for ya – he’s sitting there watching the whole time….lol… But I thought for sure I was done for… But I’m 5’3 and it was like 5′ of water (we were kinda in the middle of the pool)… But I simply panicked… Lol…lol… Nope, don’t swim… Don’t plan on it… I’ve gone nearly 48 years without it, I think I’m good… Lol…

    This is definitely the year for box ticking, though… You know some of the boxes I’ve ticked and am currently ticking… But, funny you mention about getting in shape… Today I wore a pair of jeans I hadn’t been able to wear in years – I’ve lost about 10/12 pounds in the last 6-8 months….and haven’t been trying that hard, meaning not exercising as much as I’d like.. I just kinda cut out a lot of the junk food and eat smaller portions… But now that I see I’m losing, I’m kinda psyched to start taking exercise more seriously, and really jump start losing some more over the summer and getting a bit more fit 🙂…

    Funny, I just saw something on Facebook about the Tetley Tea Room… Showed pictures of inside… Looks nice. I share your love of mac n cheese, but sorry, I don’t do baked beans…😖… Lol…

    Well, hope we get to see the video of your recitation… And of any future ones…😊… And those pics you took of the beach are beautiful… it truly was “some day on clothes” wasn’t it?…😄…way too hot here, over 100… 🥵…Talk to you more soon .. 💕

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    1. Your comments never disappoint. As for your swimming story, traumatic right? Lol. Yeah, always loved Mac and cheese, simple but delicious. And thanks for saying that about my grandmother, she is. Appreciateyourr reply as always. Have an awesome Sunday and until…

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