I Couldn’t Ash For More!

Hey everybody,

I hope you’re all having a Merry Christmas and I hope Santa was good to you. I did great this year. The big guy must had gotten my letter because I was blessed with a whole bunch of new writing stuff. Some gifts were anticipated, but I did receive a couple surprises. One awesome thing in particular that my fiance definitely surprised me with is also something that I’ve been completely addicted to it since I opened it.

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Another Pain In The Ash

Hey everybody,

I thought I would shoot out a quick post as it’s been a few days since you last heard from me. The reason for that is because of another bout of neck pain that decided to pay me a visit last week. I’ve come to realize that although I have dealt with a lot of stress in my life, I don’t always come away from it unscathed. Being a little more stressed these past few weeks as found me once again battling with another pain in the Ash that thankfully, as since passed. To help with the pain, I took some time away from the computer or any screen really so as to not make it any worse. I just decided to go full-on rehab and concentrated on the gym, did some daily stretching, threw in some yoga and it seemed to work. The pain slowly went away just as it did a couple of years ago, only this time it was much quicker as I used a lot of what I learned the first time around. But, I’m back, feeling good, and ready to crank out some entries that I have been hoarding. I have another Red Journal set to come out which I hope you’re still enjoying, I also have a few award replies that I most certainly have to get posted, and I do have some other ideas that are still sitting dormant in my draft folder. I’m hoping to get a few of those I’ve just mentioned out this weekend, so bare with me folks. As always, I appreciate the patience.

Continue reading “Another Pain In The Ash”

Five Years Later…ater…ater…

Hey everybody,

I hope the week has treated you well. A couple days ago as I was fending off death, AKA “the man flu”, I received an out of the blue notification. When I took a quick peek, it was a little icon like the picture above. It was to remind me of quite the surprising achievement. Now that I am fully recovered, I thought I would use this opportunity to acknowledge it. (cough, cough) 😉

Continue reading “Five Years Later…ater…ater…”

Journal Entry # 150 – Someone Call My Mommy!!!

Hey Everybody,

You may have noticed my lack of content in the last week or so. Sorry about that my friends. I seemed to had contracted a serious strain of the man flu. It’s a thing, trust me…Lol!!

Anyway, after extensive treatment and sookyness, I finally crawled my way back to work today. After a long weekend of rest with an extra sick day thrown in, I am slowly starting to feel myself again. Like summer starts and I get sick, come on, really?

Thanks as always for your patience and stay tuned for more Earth to Ash. Should have something posted in a day or so.

Cough, cough!!!


Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day!!!

Hey Everyone,

It’s National Indigenous Peoples Day here in Canada, and given that I’m 3rd generation myself, I am dedicating today’s entry to my grandmother. She was Mi’kmaw, and a member of the Miawpukek First Nation. I’m currently a voting member of the reservation band council and have been for many years now.

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Sunshine Blogger Award # 3

Image result for sunshine blogger award

Happy Friday everybody,

Boom, as I mentioned in my last post, here’s entry number two of two. Yup, two Sunshine Blogger Awards in a week. Not too shabby. What have I been doing to receive all this love? This time it was FloatingGold who sneakingly nominated me for this award just the other day. I was checking out their blog and as I came to the nominees section I noticed my name on the list. Just like last time, I was both surprised and once again flattered by another tip of the hat from a blogging friend. Thank you for your nomination and thanks for thinking that Earth to Ash is up to your golden standard. (see what I did there?) We’ve been blogging friends for some time now as it is, so seeing this only reinforces that. Now peeps, after you give this my post a read, why not follow the above link and take some time to check out FloatingGold’s little piece of the bloggerverse. You won’t be disappointed.

Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award # 3”

Sunshine Blogger Award # 2

Wow, this certainly comes as a pleasant surprise. It’s been a long time now since I have received an achievement like this, and it’s actually one of two. Yes, last week seems to have been a good week for Earth to Ash. I talk all the time about viewership and how much I appreciate my followers, but this is something totally different. This is something that not only validates the hard work I put into Earth to Ash, but it also reinforces my confidence in the type of content I choose to share. Bottom line, it’s just nice to be recognized. Leslie over at Inside the Satchel popped by the other day to give me the heads up that she had nominated me. I’m flattered by her gesture and delighted that she felt my blog worthy enough for such high regard. Thanks, Leslie, it really made my day. Do me a favour people, pop on over to her blog via the above link and see what she’s up to and give her content a read.

Continue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award # 2”