Sunshine Blogger Award # 3

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Happy Friday everybody,

Boom, as I mentioned in my last post, here’s entry number two of two. Yup, two Sunshine Blogger Awards in a week. Not too shabby. What have I been doing to receive all this love? This time it was FloatingGold who sneakingly nominated me for this award just the other day. I was checking out their blog and as I came to the nominees section I noticed my name on the list. Just like last time, I was both surprised and once again flattered by another tip of the hat from a blogging friend. Thank you for your nomination and thanks for thinking that Earth to Ash is up to your golden standard. (see what I did there?) We’ve been blogging friends for some time now as it is, so seeing this only reinforces that. Now peeps, after you give this my post a read, why not follow the above link and take some time to check out FloatingGold’s little piece of the bloggerverse. You won’t be disappointed.

A part of the Sunshine Blogger Award are of course, the questions. Below, you’ll find six that were left for me along with my attempt at providing interesting answers. Again, no promises. Shall we?

  1. How do you handle conflict? Feel free to give us a play-by-play.
    Conflict is something that I am not a fan of. I hate it. I try to avoid it if possible. But if not, my initial response is to see if I can win them over with a little charm. My quick wit and humour has gotten me out of many a dodgy moment. That said, most who know me, don’t really see an angry Ash.
  2. What do most people overlook in you?
    I like this question. I must have taken a whole day pondering this one. This answer may as well be an asterisk to question number one. I think people always expect me to be in a funny mood. Might be my own fault. It’s just that there’s days you just want to fade in the background. You know what I mean?
  3. Ideally, how long would you like to sleep per night?
    Sleep, I love my sleep. A solid 8 hours would be nicezzzzzzz.
  4. Are there any sports you partake in? Please list, if any.
    No, not at the moment. I have thought about maybe looking to join something as I played pretty much every sport through the years. My biking, running, and workouts keeps me busy so I am not lacking in the physical activity department.
  5. Do you like flavored tea? If so, do you have any favorite ones?
    I grew up drinking tea, usually have one every day. Simple teabag, nothing flavoured. I do although, like a good cup of lemon green tea from time to time.
  6. Fish or chips? Please explain why.
    You dare not ask a Newfoundlander this question and I need to be real careful with the answer as to not lose my islander status, lol. But, I would have to go with fish because I’m a lover of many different types of fish. My favourite being cod. Fried though, only fried.

Keeping consistent with how these posts go, please go ahead and check out the awesome blogs I’ve listed below that I myself feel are Sunshine Blogger Award worthy. Oh, another disclaimer. Folks, you can take part if you like, if not, it’s all good. I’m just giving kudos to your wonderful blogs which are:

  1. The English Introvert;
  2. Yard and Pond;
  3. Watt – Piers of Duty and Gaze;
  4. Laura – All the Shoes I Wear; and
  5. Positive Side of the Coin

Wrapping things up with a few questions for my nominations?

  • What’s one thing from the past that you wish still existed? e.g. Going out to rent a movie.
  • Do you have a habit you keep trying to break?
  • If you could switch gears trouble free into a new career, would you? If so, what would that career be?
  • Other than your laptop or computer, what’s typically the second most important thing you have next to you when you write?
  • Favourite board game past or present?

Alright, that’s it for me. Before I go, I just want to thank FloatingGold one last time for the virtual high-five. Appreciate it my friend, it means a lot.

Lastly, thanks to all my faithful followers, thanks for popping by for a read. I like getting these awards, it motivates me to keep on showing you a little more Earth to Ash.


21 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award # 3

  1. Ash, you asked us readers a while back if you should keep blogging, if you should push the button and grace us with another year of your wisdom and creative thought. Well apparently the answer was a resounding yes. I mean who in their right mind would want you to stop bringing Sunshine into our worlds from your world?

    Let the Sunshine. Let the Sunshine In. The Sunshine Shine In. Thanks for staying!!!

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