Earth to Ash Podcast Episode # 24 – I’m Happy When it Rains

Welcome back, join me and my continuing conversation about my thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the world around me.

In this episode, I talk about how you should still be happy even if it rains because it can make you feel completely alive. And, as always, I throw in a quote and a poem for good measure.



4 thoughts on “Earth to Ash Podcast Episode # 24 – I’m Happy When it Rains

  1. Ha ha ha! Oh, where to begin? My cheeks hurt from smiling for nearly 30 minutes straight … 😁…

    First off, loved “Leave Alone”… That was an exquisite example of poetry… The rhyme, the metaphors, the imagery, the ease of voice – all spot on and beautiful.

    And I love finding those pieces you don’t even remember writing, especially when they’re good. It’s like, what the heck was I thinking? And how did I forget about this?

    And that’s great about having multiple pieces coming up in Dear Booze – I have a piece going to be published there May 31st…a poem about whiskey drinking – who says you can’t write about what you don’t know? Lol…

    Re: Got me drove… Not sure I read about that one before or not, it didn’t sound familiar, but I did figure it out before you explained it… It just made sense to me, and I’m not really sure what to make of that…lol… Looking forward to hearing future “Newfoundland and Labrador Word/phrase/idiom of the Day” segments … But you knew that already…😊…

    Speaking of speaking NL… I heard it! You lived “down’arbour”… Yep, talking about home brought it outta ya… Lol… And I have Googled it – Harbour Breton is a beautiful place…

    Ok… Your idea about reciting other’s poetry and discussing it is awesome! I think I’ve seen something similar on Twitter – a podcast that accepts x number of submissions per episode and reads them and talks about the writers, etc… so it’s definitely something people are open to doing, and I think you’d be fabulous at it! Are you thinking of it being an addition to Earth To Ash or a separate show in itself? Either way, I know you can make it happen and happen well! And, when you get to that point, you know I’ll help in any way I can in promoting it….

    But it’s kinda funny… You know my plans of starting a journal. I’ve been weighing my platform options and kinda leaning toward Substack at the moment. Substack is newsletter centered – posts can be sent out to email subscribers (paid and free) as newsletters… Because of that, I’m thinking of other content to keep things intersting. Two ideas I had were spotlighting other indie journals and their EICs and spotlighting other writers – allowing them to write posts about themselves and their journals or, in the case of writers, their journey, sharing their favorite piece, etc.

    But then I thought would that be “awkward” alongside a romance journal? If they were other romance writers, fine, but I was thinking of folks like you and JD and a couple others who I thought of off the bat… So would that be weird? Or is cross content good? I was actually going to ask you about this in the coming days – what do you think? Awkward and confusing for Micromance to have an arm that supports the writing community like that, or is it an asset bringing both more readers and writers to its pages?

    What’s really funny is, the last couple days in thinking about it, my thoughts kept drifting to you – and though that may not be odd usually – in regard to Micromance and what directions I should take it was a bit strange, meaning I kept feeling you were to be a part of it… But now it makes sense – going back to the promoting of your idea, depending on what I finally decide, if I go the Substack avenue, I’d be more than happy to “advertise” your venture in my newsletter, spotlight your “voice journal,” etc etc.

    It’s so awesome to be able to support each other, while supporting and promoting others… 😁.. I think we can both do very well in our endeavors because of that! So, I hope you do decide to go ahead with your idea! And I wish you the best of luck with it… But I know it’ll be a success with you at the helm! 😊

    Well, that was an awesome show. I loved every moment of it… Even when you stumble over all your own words – though you shouldn’t take that out on your poetry – it was a beautiful piece, gaffs and all and absolutely deserved to be read… Lol…

    But what an exciting year this is turning out to be, isn’t it? Can’t wait to see what’s next for us… I’m telling you, we’re gonna take the literary world by surprise!!


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    1. Lol, you had a chuckle, keeps the tone light haha. Appreciate the support with the idea of reading other works, felt it to like what your doing I terms of supporting other writers. And yes, I’d be a part of whatever you berth as an idea, absolutely. The NL stuff I think as you supported is a good idea, a little doorway to our way of life with all the dropped h’s. Lol. Appreciate your listen and it’s been a wonderful writing year so far, let’s keep the momentum going. Until…

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      1. Thank you for agreeing to be a part of things – means a lot… I think I will start thinking more in the Substack direction… And while writing my message, asking if it would make sense for Micromance to also be a promoter of the writing community, I got my answer… And it’s a big yes – it does make sense and nothing wrong with it at all… 😁… Things won’t happen overnight, but once I get the Magazine part established, I’ll move into some of those other directions… Look at that! I’ve got a plan! Probably one of the few times in my life…lol…

        And I’m here if you need someone to bounce ideas off of – or just need to think out loud…. Lord knows I bounce things off of you like you’re a wall in a handball court… Lol… Thanks, by the way…lol… I’m sure you’ve got your thoughts together on it… But I’ll be here to support you in any way you need…

        oh, went to the grocery store and saw a dime on the floor – Picked it up and after looking at it a second realized it was Canadian….from 1957… Wonder how long it’s been floating around the States…. And now it sits on a shelf in my kitchen… Lol…

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